Clemson University: United For The Future

United for the Future logo of raised hands over a clock

Now more than ever, your neighbors need you.

And by giving through the Clemson University United Way Campaign, you can help them.

Many of your neighbors are hurting, and they’re looking for a way out.

They need YOU to help them.

The neighbor you help could be someone you pass on the street, at the grocery story, or in the carline at school. 

It could be someone like Kelly, a determined, hardworking single mom who finds her self in a dead-end job and drowning in medical debt.

Kelly has no idea how to manage her hard-earned money. She grew up in a home where pain, addiction and chaos were part of her daily life. She was forced to drop out of school at a young age, and financial management was NEVER modeled for her.

She sees her own 4th grade daughter suffering and struggling in school. Kelly wants to create a better life for herself and her daughter, but she doesn't know how.

Through your gift to the United Way campaign, you will provide your neighbors like Kelly and her daughter with financial coaching, education, and other services to not only meet their basic needs, but allow them to become financially stable and to thrive.

Please make your pledge today to help your neighbors. They are counting on you.

By supporting United Way, and even increasing your support this year when others can't, you are going to make an even greater difference this year. Whether you are a long-time supporter or a new friend, you are going to make a huge difference in the lives of people suffering in our community.


For more information about our campaign, contact:

Nicci Hanewald or Kat Owens, Clemson University Team Captains

Lyndy Schonhar, United Way of Pickens County

Pledge Card - Template
Your Donation
Select your donation method to get started.
Payroll Deduction
Once you enter/select your preferences, your total gift amount will be calculated below.
Please select the number of pay periods:
Check Donations
After submitting your pledge form here, please make your check out to United Way, write "Clemson Campaign" in the memo line, then turn your check into:

Nicci Hanewald
Office of the President
201 Sikes Hall
Clemson, SC 29634

Checks can also be mailed directly to:
United Way of Pickens County
PO Box 96
Easley, SC 29641
Cash Donations
After submitting your pledge form here, please enclose your cash in an envelope with your name, and turn the envelope in to:

Nicci Hanewald
Office of the President
201 Sikes Hall
Clemson, SC 29634
Credit Card

Once you click the button below, you will be taken to our secure contribution page to complete your donation.

Total Donation
If you have questions or would like to consider supporting another cause, contact Lyndy Schonhar 864-850-7094 x100.
Please use your mouse or finger to sign below.
"My signature below confirms my payroll deduction request as stated above. I understand this authorization will remain in effect until I make written notifcation of a change or cancellation to"
Sign above

Click the buttons below to learn more about how your gift can make a difference when you are United for the Future!