Join us for an interactive simulation event to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those experiencing substance use disorders or mental health conditions.
Tuesday, October 29
1:30-4:00 p.m.
Southern Wesleyan University
University Dining Commons, The Founders room
During the event, attendees will participate in role-play simulation activities to better understand the lives of those living with substance use disorders, mental health conditions, and unstable employment, among other concerns. Participants will gain insight into how individuals facing these concerns interact with and navigate structures and systems within our community. The goal of the simulation is to create a more supportive and compassionate environment for those who are living with addiction and mental health challenges.
Empathy in Action is presented by the SC Office of Rural Health and sponsored by United Way of Pickens County, Pickens County Administration, Bridge Pickens, and Richard and Jackie Pressley in memory of Jason Pressley. The event will begin promptly at 1:30 p.m. and participants are asked to arrive no later than 1:15 p.m. (Due to the interactive nature of the simulation, participants arriving after 1:30 p.m. may not be able to participate.)
A limited number of volunteers are also needed. Learn more.
Register below by October 22.
Click to download the SWU Campus Map
The event will be held on the bottom floor of the Dining Commons (#2 on map) in The Founders room. Parking will be available across from the Dining Commons, at the back of the building or in the Folger lot (#41 on map).
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